All wording and photograph and/or picture modifications are here by announced as property of one Travis aka UltimateGoku.
All Trade Marks , original pictures, music, and photos are property and licensed to their various creators and owners..
The Author of this page one UltimateGoku , would deeply like to give his thanks to his Father David, his mother Patricia, His 2 Sisters Lori and Melissa, for seeing him throughout his life and dreams, his Girl friend, whom he loves dearly, and hopes to be wedd to, his Friends , Shon, Dan, Brandon, Shawn, Tom, Bryan, Cindy, Derick, Nick, Jake, Drew, Seth, Jesse, Mark, Murray, Teri, and his best friend in the whole wide world his Dad, Dave,  and he would also like to thank Rage Against the Machine, because without thier help, his eyes wouldn't have opened to the world around him,, and finnaly he would like to thank his lord and Savor Jesus Christ for beliving in him and walking him through life(The author of this page does not mean to offend anyone be giving thanks to his lord , in which he strongly believes in, he would like to apoligise for any incovenince that he may have caused in doing so) Thank you for visiting , please return and see us again sometime.
Travis's Page
Welcome to my page, where i, you guessed it, Travis, will tell you, whoever you are, a buch of whack crazy shit that may be of a suprise to you if your eyes have not been opened yet
Well first off i am a 17 year old guy, a punk, a anarchist, a phreaker, or what ever you wish to call me. What i look like isn't described here so dun expect it in this section, cause this section is not about me, its about you, its about how you are being held as a slave, how you are not being set free in this world to do as you wish. This government and the politicians have you by the short hair and have put a bag over your head so that you are oblivious to what is really going on around you. The government and everyone else has gotten you to believe that you have to work to get what you want, you have to become a plow horse to society and the government while low class citisens live off of well fare and high class fuckers don't have to pay taxes, while we as the middle class have to give up our damned life just to suit everyone else that live in this nation. I say fuck the government cause they are nothing but a bunch of over controling facious fucks that will do anything you say if you wave a dollar in front of thier face. Man wasn't made to serve other persons that are lazy. If you are one of these people that are Caught up in the "Real" world, you need to get the fuck out before you regret what the hell you have done your whole life....
First off
Other shit...
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Warning, EXPLICIT LANGUAGE, is posted on this page, if you are offended then its your own damned fault for coming to this page!
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