Welcome To LiLaZnFrOgGy's WeBpAgE~!
Hey everybodie!! thanx for visiting my site. Linda helped me A LOT with this page so I reallie thank her n David Chu helped meeh to. *with the pix* mmmm....okae
YoU ArE NuMbAh
tO vIsIt MaH SiTe
Hye Everybodie!!! Wussup? how is everything if i haven't talked to you in a while. im...okay...i guess...hehehe BADMINTON IS SOOOO FUN!! too bad the seasons over...YESSSS~!!! im going to take the badminton class at ohlone over the summer...HEHE Guess what???!! i just watched the Sailor Moon S movie...it was soo good!~! but it was sad~! poor luna~! i mean she just wanted to be a human to be with the guy...but then in the end she gets artemis...but then they look good together...SOOO KYOOTE~!
well i'd lyke to give shout outs to...
Emily Fan, Stephanie Lee, Stephanie Tsang, Jennifer Kim, Nick Lam, Will Chang, Ryan Fong, Danny Nguyen,Evan Lai, Nancy Chan, David Wang, Nathan Chu, Jenn Hui, Donny Hui,Anne Ning, Andy Hong, ERIC YU (HAHAHA YOU DORKY LIZARD!! AND YOU HELEN LOVER!!!! HAHAHAHA ), Tiff Szeto, Gary Ta, Jon Horse, Tim Shimizu...(is that how you spell your name?,CARMEN TSE hehehe are you happy?! =), justine chen, mindy chen, carl gebhardt, natalia Charadia, kat wu, jamie sung, april liu and yer sister april! hi alyssa!,Jessica Roberts *how is that karate baby!!?? kickin butt like always!! hehehe* jessica wong, eugene kim, elijah park, anthony kang, eric wang, david chu, emily lu (I CHANGED IT!!), sharon yang, steven wu, steven vu, erica yuan, lei, sophia yuan, NIKKI LUBELL! hahha, garrett yacopetti, patrick lacanlale, jenner flores, vicky chan, joe chen, danny lau, jennifer yu, jodie chaing, lilian shu, sarah kwan,christine ngo, danielle miu, christine chow, josephine hung, ed yu, ed chow, calvin yu, shinette gandeza, sheela gandeza, melissa funk, JESSIE VANN! WE MISS YOU!,
aram yoo, jayne law, and whoever i didn't mention! sorrie! ohkae i havta go bye!!!!
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