. : Q U O T E S & P O E M S : .

Come be with me tonight,

I can't stand the lonelyness anymore, I feel like I

Need to be honest with you since the first

Day I express my fellings to

You. I dont know how these feelin came about I

Never did know why. Why I even expressed those thoughts of mine I

Guess it was a good thing that I did, maybe it's because I thought you were

Unique, maybe, or maybe it's because I got all exicted when I heard that pretty voice of

Yours. I don't know where this realationship is going, but I know I dont want it to

End. So please tell me now and tell me truly how you feel for me, but

Never say someting that would make you reget it..

Nokia moments

Note: 09:50pm Sat Apr-29-2006
Today was slow, didn't make much at wk. Tan tripping to the point it's ridicules. Trying to please him is like 'forget it, he'll never get it or understand. Wanna dance my ass off tonight. Sometimes i jus wanna drink n get away in a drowsy way kinda mood. Sometimes it's nice when the sky falls, it's like u're still dreaming, walking into a mist, but i'm actually driving to wk. Felt good tonight driving hm after drinking w the crew, the night good, perfect breeze, temp jus right, great beat song to get lost in, nice!

Note: 06:00pm Mon May 1 2006
Had fun sunday, tan took me to that one spot to crab n somewhat observe the thousands of snails, but we didn't catch any. We caught some crabs but we didn't have a good enough trap, BECAUSE tan didn't have any supplies

Note: 03:11pm Sun May 7 2006
Three spiders already, jus dangling in front of me, only a few inches away, it scares the crap out of me. Now my mouth is full of blisters so i can't eat right.

Note: 08:22pm Wed May 10 2006
it's been a month now since i've been taking pilates n yoga n reg eclipse les workout. Some progress but some not. Trying to wkout my tummy, but i'm not doing enough, uh! My vacation is almost here.

Note: 11:49pm Mon May 15 2006
ah, what a day. Had lunch alone bc tan worked w his uncle today. I ate mac n grill n breakfast alone today, :-( . Today i didn't get off wk til 7 bc of an hr n a half sale for one gay sale. We didn't eat dinner til ten something. I shopped til nine n forgot to go buy my shoes, damn, gotta go get it tomoro. Bought a few things today that i like. It was ok, bc my ipod kept me occupied instead of feeling lonely. Ok bye!

Note: 07:54pm Tue May 16 2006
so today was slow, didn't make much, can't believe i keep on ending n not saving. But anyways, had an ok workout but don't feel like working hard enough. Been seeing some results lately, but Tan isn't doing so well. Only his down south games n fishing really help him. Bc he sweats more, eat less, n he plays harder. Playing ball here at 24 hr is obvious, not challenging enough. Well fixing to go king dollar while tan plays so bye

Note: 03:43pm Wed May 17 2006
well i slept in pretty good today, been a while since i last did. Ate diem sum at fung's kitchen then went hm to take a brake n put the food up. Now we r headed to willowbrook mall, going to buy shoes.

Note: 02:07pm Fri May 19 2006
hope today will b a good day for me. Today there's 6 ppl working, tomoro they all will b here. *Sigh* jus came back fm lunch, how peaceful, no talking or anything, i'm good, got enough food, now i jus feel lazy

Note: 06:11am Sat May 20 2006
do u think waking 5thirty in the morning can make u think of every moment u can think of. Starting a self reevaluation of cherishing every moment lost n to come. 06:29am Sometimes i feel the erge to sing my heart out.

Note: 08:09am Sat May 27 2006
sometimes when u fall, u fall hard, sometimes when u're hurt, u hurt deep, deep inside it's so unbearable.

Note: 08:18am Thu Jun 1 2006
i don't sing great enough to b a singer, but it releaves alot of irritation hidden inside of me

Note: 04:29pm Fri Jun 2 2006
as a salesman in the optician field, i really find myself hating retail period. It wasn't as bad as it was at victoria's secret, but can't really say much bc i wasn't there long enough. Picked myself out a rose today, but Tan wanted to pay bc he said i shouldn't have to buy myself flowers. But i wanted to cuz i haven't had some since my birthday n to cheer myself up fm wk, so stressful. I now have the facts to regret going the extra mile for ppl who don't appreciate the extra effort i put in.

Note: 07:47pm Tue Jun 6 2006
today has been ok / fun. Been making jokes n oiling each other laugh, more like me making jokes n help me pass through the day faster. So far i didn't make much money, idk too many remakes lately. Pissing me off bc i lose money bc of these remakes. Hopefully everything turnes out ok. Well my replacement case has arrived today n i get to get my phone case replaced.