Everyone Loves Prophet

For all who know me or for those who have heard of me, I am Prophet! I do all my talking in yahoo chat and I'm a God. I will be discussing the three things I know best which is Anime, Wrestling, and Women. I will devote a page or so to tell of my character's life and up bringing so that you will be better informed as to how I came about. I support pages that pay, so not all the page in here are mine, but if you do feel like buying or visiting any other websites through my site, feel free to do so. I think I have something for everyone, but if you would like to see something or know something else about me or my site you can e-mail me at the address below. So without futher wait this is my EveryonelovesProphet page. ENJOY!

If you have any questions or comments please e-mail at Prophet_Goth@hotmail.com. Please if you don't like what you see then you don't have to stay, and no hate mail. This is the "EveryonelovesProphet" webpage.

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