Rachel's Corner
Hi! I recently got an email from Yahoo to update my hmpg or it'll be deleted so here it goes ...

Since college & marriage, I've become a stay-at-home mum to our daughter. Come to think about it, I've been married for 2 years plus now to my wonderful husband, JL.

We had our daughter not too long ago. Her name is Amy. We sometimes call her by her nickname, Bao-Bao which means Chinese Bun. Bao-Bao was born on Sept 5th, 2002 at the Ohio State University Hospital. A tiny baby who came 2 wks early, weighs only 5lbs 6oz but she soon doubled her weight by the 1st mth.

Bao is 17 mths old now. Not talking much yet. She only calls "Mama" when in need & very rarely calls "Papa." This made JL pretty sad. She usually communicates with us by pointing & nodding or shaking her head. We feel that she actually could understand what we tell her most of the time.

Bao is mostly a joy to JL & I except for when she crys at night. Sure hope her sleeping habit gets better cos we are planning on having a second one soon.

Let's all hope we'll be lucky enough to have both a girl & a boy! Pray ...
Our family.
My Favorite Links:
Bao-Bao's pics
My Education
My Info:
Name: Rachel Oh