Sailor Tutty's Home Page!

The Updates Page! ^-^

Please sign Serena's Diary! I'd REALLY like it if ya did! Thanks for visiting! Have fun! Bye!
-Sailor Tutty
This site was last updated on: August 16, 2000

The Sailor Senshi welcome you to my Sailor Moon Web Site! ^_^

shelchan got their NeoPet at
Join Neopets thru this pic! A FUN place to have your own pet, get it stuff, and play fun games! So take a look! :)

    My Fanart!-Not all SM fanart, but my art none-the-less. ^_^
    Images-has my first batch of pics!
    My Images Page-my other page with pics!
    Links-banner and text links!
    Profiles-profiles of the senshi!
    Polls on Sailor Moon-two polls on Sailor Moon!
    Odds & Ends-a TON of different things related to Sailor Moon!
    Awards-Awards I have won and awards I'm giving away!
    Credits-credits those who stuff you see here!
    Web Rings-webrings I'm in!
    Link to Me Please!
    About me!-wanna know about me? Click here! ^_^
    My Mirror Site (on Freeservers)~Will NOT be upadated anymore!!!~

        Guess what? You're Moonie # to visit my Sailor Moon Web Page! Have FUN!!! We've passed 1000! Alright! =)
    Sign Serena's Diary View Serena's Diary


    I'd REALLY appreciate it a lot if you'd visit this 'lil anime shop in the net! You can read about them under the 'about me' section on this page. They get TONS of new stuff all the time, and they update fairly often. Arigato!

    All Sailor Moon things shown here belong to Naoko Tageuchi, Dic, Toei Animation, and the rest of their respectful corporations. Please don't sue me for what I have on my page! I don't take credit for making pictures or inventing Sailor Moon or anything! ^_^ I'm just a fan making a page for fans! If you do find something, though, that you feel IS DEFINATELY yours and you don't want it up here, let me know!!! Arigato! ^_^