Sailor Moon Fantasy
Ay... thought it was about time to change the
little welcome message or whatever you want to call it.
I'd like to apologize for never really doing anything
on this page. I'll try to get around to it. It just takes
a lot of time to work on a webpage. Plus, I don't know how
to do some things that I'd really like to do to this page.
I'm actually thinking about asking my friend Alicia Blade if
she wants to take over. It'd be better with her in charge. ^_^
I have been thinking about improving this site though.
Just look around for a while. I do have a lot of pictures
and some great fan-fics from some great authors!
Thanks for stopping by! May God bless you! Ja ne!
Senshi Sanctuary
- Pix, and fan-art
Bedtime Stories
- fan-fics
Rebe-chan's Cozy Cottage
- my fan-art (what little bit I have) and learn about me
Quench your thirst for knowledge - character guide
Link Us - I believe this speaks for itself as does the next two
Coming Soon:
Patti-chan's Palace: Info about her, her art,
and meet the neo-senshi and their foes.
And... a quiz. I don't know what about though. I'll think about it.
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way cool, nifty, spiffy person to stop by this lil' ol'
page since August 22, 1999
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Page last updated: September 9, 2000 (Even if the update wasn't much) ^_^()