One receives because of faith; one keeps because of recalling (Hokke mongu (Text Commentary on the Lotus Sutra) T.34.107c)(H.G. Lamont -Great Direct Way-)

Daimoku in Brief Essay

St. Nichiren Chanted 'Namu Myôhô renge kyô' on April 28th 1253 to establish the true teachings of the Buddha
                                                            (Copyright © 1996 2003) Kempon Hokke USA

Links to the Authentic Writings of the Kempon Hokke
Written by Reverend Tetsujo Kubota & H.G. Lamont
The Life & Times of...

History of the Lotus Sutra  i. e. Saddharmapundarikasutra ~ Hokekyo_____Life & Times of Shakyamuni Buddha_____Life & Times of St. Nichiren Shonin_____Condition after the Death of Nichiren & Life and Times Nichiju Shonin

The Authentic Tradition of the Jumonryu-Kempon Hokke_____Author's preface... _____The Jumonryu Kempon Hokke Orthodox Faith

Hosshoji Temple, Kempon Hokke photo tour..____Mt. Kiyosumi where Nichiren recited the Odaimoku 'Namu Myôhô renge kyô', to establish the true teaching of the Buddha,  on April 28 1253

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By Rev. Tetsujo Kubota ~ translated by H. G. Lamont


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From the The Fundamental Principles of the Kempon Hokke Faith: This religion is none other than a teaching based on the “complete possession of Three Types of Proof.” In other words, we hold Textual Proof (proof from authoritative documents), Reasonable Principles (rational proof), and Actual Proof (proof based on actual reality or experience) to be its basis. (1) ‘Textual Proof’ means the Golden Words of the Sutra: the Hokekyo or Lotus Sutra, which is the Fundamental Intention and Real Teaching of Lord Shakya, is the highest authority. Our sect differs from other Nichiren lineages because it has a “Succession Through the Scrolls of the Sutra”, relying on the Dharma and not on people. It has been truly said that the Sutra text “is very clear and very obvious” but when we expound and explain the Sutra we base ourselves on the authentic works of Nichiren Shonin (the autographs in his own hand, ancient copies from the first period after Nichiren Shonin’s decease, and works which accord with these) and the words of ancient Tendai as cited by Nichiren Shonin. (In general, we do not take the forgeries created under the influence of medieval Tendai as evidence.) 2) ‘Reasonable Principles’ mean that we explain and expand upon the fundamental doctrines by means of rational principles. (3) ‘Actual Proof’ means the proof which appears in actual reality. This proof is not merely miraculous occurrences but is also the unfolding of history. (Written &. trs. by H. G. Lamont in Japanese and translated by the author February 1996).

The Position of the Hokke Sect:


Shimoiino futtsu-shi chiba-Ken: Rev.Tetsujo Kubota is a well-known scholar and author; his expertise is the Lotus Sutra (Hokekyo) and St. Nichiren's Buddhism (a 13th century Japanese Buddhist saint who founded the Nichiren-Hokke school of Buddhism). Rev. Kubota is a former professor of Buddhist Studies, philosophy and ethics in Japan.

Head Temple: Myomanji in Kyoto
(Hataeda-machi, lwakura, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto)
H.G. Lamont is a well known Kempon Hokke scholar, author, translator and long time practitioner; with expertise in the Lotus Sutra, St. Nichiren's Buddhism and Kempon Hokke doctrinal studies. Recent translation works include: "The Tradition of Nichiren Doctrine." Harvard A.B. '69 ~ Marshall Scholar at Cambridge (M.A. Cantab. '71) Fulbright Scholar '73-74' in Japan ~ Yale M.Phil. Religious Studies '76 Taught at UCLA '76-79'

Tradition: The Master of Teachings of the Hokekyo (Dharma Flower Sutra, Lotus Sutra); the Practicer of the Hokekyo, Nichiren Shonin and in their direct lineage, the Orthodox Teacher Nichiju as founder.

Object of Worship (Honzon): the Mandala of the Sublime Dharma (Myoho Mandara) which Nichiren Shonin revealed in writing:
  • The Jewel of the Buddha: the Great Benevolent Master of Teachings the Buddha Shakyamuni
  • The Jewel of the Dharma: Namu Myoho Renge kyo
  • The Jewel of the Sangha: the Bodhisattva Jogyo
    (Nichiren Shonin)
Kempon Hokke's Characteristics: Believing the Succession Through the Scrolls of the Sutra and, in the spirit of Nichiren as direct teacher, the Hokekyo of the Master of Teachings Lord Shakya and the Letters of Nichiren Shonin, just as they are.

Aims: Taking as its aim the establishment of the Country of the Buddha (the Precept Platform of the Original Doctrine), a Land of Peace without illness, poverty or strife by means of faith in the Hokekyo through the realization of the right doctrine of Establishing Orthodoxy to Make the Country Peaceful (Rissho ankoku). To this end we press forward with the wide dispersion of the Sublime Dharma.

The founder the Orthodox Teacher (shoshi) Nichiju, who took the Sutra text and Nichiren's Letters as absolute and proclaimed the Succession Through the Scrolls of the Sutra (kyogan sojo), who spread the teaching with the cry, "I adhere directly to Nichiren Daishonin", would be pleased with our direction. Our Kempon Hokke Sect has had no special tradition since the Orthodox Teacher Nichiju. The teachings of Nichiren Shonin himself is its doctrine.

"The Daimoku of the Doctrine of the Original: this is the "Title"("Myoho renge kyo"), the
essence of the Sutra, containing all the merits and virtues of the Original, Eternal
Buddha Lord Shakya. When through faith we receive and keep this as "Namu
Myoho renge kyo", the Buddha spontaneously cedes and assigns us
His merits and raises us to His world."

 (Jinen joyo dan, [The Section of the Spontaneous Yielding
and Assigning] in the Kanjin honzon sho (STN, v. 1, 711).

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