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Eat your heart out, James Bond!

Sweeper: For Hire

Hiya! I'm Cind-chan and welcome to my site for City Hunter. I'll..I..I...AIYAH!! *Cind-chan turns her head and looks down. Ryo is kneeling behind her, with his hands on her backside.*

Ryo: Yaho, Cind-chan. *A moment later, he's flattened by a mallet. Attached to the other end of that mallet is a not-too-pleased Kaori* I...itai.

Kaori: SUKEBE!! Sorry about that, Cind-chan.

Kaori dragging Ryo from the room

Cind-chan: Uh. No problem. Ummmm. Where was I? Oh, yeah! Welcome to my City Hunter site. I'll be your tour guide. If you have any questions or comments, let me know. I must warn you though, there will be mild spoilers here, so if you haven't at least seen the first 5 eps or seen the first manga vol, you might not want to go further. It's actually only spoilers for one of the characters, Makimura. So, you ready to begin? Where would you like to go first?

Ryo's Room?

Kaori's Room?

The One and Only
Shrine to Makimura?

Would you like to look at the photo album?

Oh, yes! I should tell you about Mick! Who's Mick? Well, let me tell you about him.

Hopefully, I'll be able to tell you about Umi-chan and Miki, as well as Saeko-san. But I'm not able to at this point in time. Gomen.

I do have a couple of humor pages that you might want to take a look at. As well as another page that might be of interest if you have the cds and love to sing.

I'd be rich.: It's the "If I had a dollar for everytime..." game.

Great City Hunter Lines: The name says it all. The memorable lines.

City Hunter Lyrics: Yes, the romanji lyrics for the CH songs. No translated songs. Gomen.

Notice: As I'm sure you know by now, the entire series is now out on DVD. So be sure you get it! I only have season 1, as I can't afford it just yet. ~_~ From what I've seen so far with the DVDs is that there is no Dub, nor is there the ability to turn off the subtitles. That's the only complaint I have thus far. And be sure to get your hands on the translated manga. They seem to be releasing the vols every couple of months. Go to Raijin Comics to find out more!

I can't believe Ryo has groped Counter people!!

Readmy Dreambook
Sign my Dreambook.

Oh, yeah! Before I forget, please check out my other site!
Shrine to the Unwanted Seishi: A shrine to the underused Mitsukake and Chiriko from Fushigi Yuugi. I also have two pages of ponderings, anime and general, a gallery, and fanfics.

Disclaimer! City Hunter is the property of Tsukasa Hojo, Jump Comics, and others (including ADVision soon). This is all in fun, and I'm not making any money. I'm just trying to get others into the show. *subliminal message* Buy the manga! Buy the videos! You know you want them. *end subliminal message*

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