I quite like this pic fing....=P
aiya..........ppl....well dis is my hp .........at last i got one rather than using da fuct-up angelfire...o wellz.......... man i guess i;'m obsessed wiv these sheeps......=>....... btw.....dun mind ma spellins......i no i have BAD spellinz and typing mistakes..but pwease forgive moi??!!!.....fanx......so like er....i guess i'm gona do da same as wot i've dun on my other hp....intro-doose to ya my fwends.....all kewl and nice......BUT........ if u fink i 4got to add u or wot.....msg me cuz for goodness-ake i mite really forget to add u.......or maybe cuz to me U R A sum kinda those BITCH-es that ppl hate......!...okieZ???hehe.......o yeah for those hu dun have ma icq.....click here...
BTW this site is ALwAYs under construction...
Kewl stuff....
My Kewl Pals......-ma original pal's page frum angelfire...i have a new one but it's not reli even finished.....but here ya go anywayz..

my class pictures la....ma second pals page...Ma Pics.....pretty kewl...(i guess-when it's dun!)

...ok so...click here!visit ha la!!you mey veri well be in it if i didn't know you till the past summer.....kk?!

my birthday pictures la!(this won't take as long to load ga la i htink ...cus there ain't too much pics in there.,..justa few la..)

Sofamily tree ah...click here la : )

most recent pics..................................................not many......but here....
people have visited this site since it was created!! : )
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