New site, My personal Artsite, here:

This site is the empty mask of what once was. Crystal Tenshi, the Online Manga between myself and a close friend.
First thought of around April of 1999, we devised plots and names and all sorts of goodness. By June, I came up with a website for it, thus beginning my career as a website designer.

We started off on Angelfire. Then, I moved over to Geocities when I heard they offered shortened URLs (as opposed to Tokyo/Palace/119827593425).. So I could have .. Which was cool. Then, I got a hook-up from a fellow webdesigning friend who now goes down in infamy, and had my very own subdomain., unlimited space, no ads what-so-ever, and free. Unfortunately, they turned into big coorporate buttholes...

Then, I gave up on doing Crystal Tenshi all together. Rachel and I started fighting, it was hard to keep in contact anyway, and we both had better things to do. My current online alias, "Yume", comes from Crystal Tenshi. My character's name was Yumeko.
On my HardDrive, I have all of the old html files for the story... I don't know what I'll do with them. But, Rachel and I have decided to start re-working on it. It's better, improved, and with be bilingual. (Japanese and English).. And... it should be fun.
This empty shell of what the site once was.. remains just as a gateway, now. The old HTML files are still here... Like, updates.html and contact.html (ha). The last update was october, 1999. So why did I just go back through memory lane, and decide to randomly update this?

...Good question. Maybe I'm just that bored. I can't delete this site, though. Memories, etc. I can make a gateway out of it, and a memorial, all at the same time. These days, I spend my time drawing anime-styled furries and humans, and trying to get some work done for the new Crystal Tenshi -link- which stands to be revised. I started this project when I was 13 years old.. kind of funny. Anyway, go visit my new site. It has art. YES. Go see.

Yume, aka Diana Montoya, former maintainer and co-founder of Crystal Tenshi
Sunday September 23rd 2001 at 10:48 PM