Quote from the Bob Klapish Article on Espn.com
updated on Tues Dec 21 2004
"I'm trying to create a new foundation here, so I never pay too much attention to newspaper articles, especially the local ones," Beane said.
"As Bobby Knight said, 'If you listen to them, you're destined to sit next to them.' "
To read the rest of the article, goto:
Billy Beane: Breaking Up Is Hard To Do
Joke of the Day
I'm sorry I was so rude before... but... it's difficult for me... to... express myself...
when I am on the verge of... exploding in my pants. - Dave Buznik Anger Management
My Two Cents -- May 16th, 2004
Another news fact from a co-worker today:
Several parents walked out
of a holiday program by the Glassport (Pa.) Assembly of God when the actors on stage began
whipping the Easter bunny and breaking its eggs, which church officials said was an attempt
to move past the benign symbols of the holiday and focus on the suffering of Christ. As children
in the audience cried at the beatings, actors chanted, "There is no Easter bunny."
[Pittsburgh Post-Gazette-AP, 4-7-04]
For more weird but true stories, goto
Article of the Day Safin hits drop shot, drops shorts
When Marat Safin's around, watch out! Not even he has any idea when he'll toss a racket, swat a miraculous shot, go off on a rant or ... lose a point for mooning the crowd?
To read the rest of the article,
click me
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