She Is The One... Sailor Moon!

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Hey and welcome to She Is The One... Sailor Moon! Hope you enjoy it here. Let's see...there are pictues, info on the characters, music, and more soon, I hope ^.^ Oh! If anyone has any fanart at all and you want me to feature it on this site, e-mail me at, just make sure it's smaller than 2 megabytes. Okies? I just put up new poll questions too, vote please? Then there's now a section where you can add your site as a link to this page, click on "More SM Links" to add yours!

.·. Character Info .·. Moon Kingdom Story .·. Gallery .·. Polls .·.

.·. Webrings .·. Midis .·. Cool Links .·. Fanart/Coloring Book .·. Add Your Page! .·.

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Last updated: 7-17-00