The Scout of Love

Last Updated: 18th February, 1999.

A couple more animated gif's in the gallery for you to enjoy.....

These are Mina's statictis...

Name: Mina (last name unknown)

Birthday: October 22

Astrological Sign: Libra

Hobby: wasting time

Blood Type: B

Favorite Color: red, yellow

Strong Points: leadership

Favorite Food: curry and pasta

This is how Sailor Venus transforms....

Venus Star Power

Sailor Venus Image PageThis is my Sailor Venus image page. It has ONLY hard to find images in it (and some not so hard to find). This page has only Mina in her Sailor Venus form.

Mina ImagesThis is the image page that has only Mina images in it, so check it out.

Venus Animated Gif'sThis is my animated gif's for Sailor Venus. They took a long time to find but the main palces where I got them will be displayed on the page. I hope you like them as much as I do...

Ring's I've JoinedI think the title is adequate in detail....

The Scout of Love's BannersIf you want to link to my page, this is the page you go to to find a banner. Chose the one you think will best suit your page. And don't worry, new ones will be coming soon.

Sailor Venus is the offical leader of the inner scouts (but I don't thinf that's true). Anyway Mina has a long history. Before she joined the scouts she was off fighting evil in England as Sailor V. Sailor Venus has more fighting experience than Sailor Moon! I don't know anything about Mina's family but she does live with her parents somewhere. And like Raye, Mina goes to a different school than the others. Sailor Venus is neither the brains or the brawns of the scouts, but she can hold her own.

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These are my other pages. Please check them out..

The Scout of Fire The Scout of Thunder The Scout of Water

The Scouts of Love and Justice The Scouts Animated Gif's Page

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