Coutuva's Fanfic Pile!

Welcome!  Pull up a mat and I'll get the coffee, the reading rooms are open!

If you're not sure what a FanFic is, essentially it's where someone like myself takes characters and situations from a favorite show or Comic (in my case, Japanese Animated Video), and creates new stories based on them.  It comes from having an overactive imagination and too much time.  (smirk)  If you have any Comments, Questions, Criticisms or requests, feel free to contact me using the 'Comments?' link below.

I'd love to hear from you!  Ja!

Reading Rooms
Ownership of all Original Characters and Backstories is exclusively that of the Copyright Holders in each case. I'm only borrowing them to promote some Excellent Anime Series!  I promise to put them back as good as new...!
What's New!  -  Last Updated 4-10-07!
Ranma1/2 Fanfics
Project: A-Ko Fanfics
One Shots!
The Dusty Shelf
- The ones that didn't make the cut. (pout)
Quick Note...  To transfer a file to read later, right-click on it.  To read it online, left-click once.
These pages are best viewed by Internet Explorer, and at 800 by 600 resolution.


Cool Links!
Romaji Guide!
- Romaji to English Translations!


Quick Links to your favorites!

[Almost a Miracle] [Mysteries of the Mind] [Junko's Legacy] [Secrets] [Yue] [Goodbye]
[Renewed Aquaintances] [Of Destiny and Purpose] [Dusty Shelf] [Shots] [Links] [Extra Links] [Romaji]

So Far, Counter visits since March 11/98!

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