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¤ Color........ Red
¤ Color........ orange
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¤ Color........ indigo
¤ Color........ violet
¤ Wallpaper...... 1024X768
¤ Wallpaper...... 1024X768
¤ Wallpaper...... 1024X768
¤ Wallpaper...... 1024X768
¤ Wallpaper...... 1024X768
¤ Wallpaper...... 1024X768
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Welcome to Dream In Color. You guys know what to do. Please dont "theft" the images drawn by me. Though Im prolly not gonna sign them, I know wich ones are mine and will flame you if I stumble apon your site and you claim them as "yours". Though If you wanna post them on your site and not claim there yours, please do and link back to me :-) Navigation is pretty obvious so enjoy!
The Webmistress' Rant
Someone not long ago sent me an email asking if I could get more piccies. I thought to myself; "wow havent been asked that in years!" Then I looked over my site. . . WHAT WAS I THINKING?!?!

I have my work cut out for me. I'm only updateing to make the site "pretty" not to up-show rainbowbrite.net SO, Please don't send me any emails saying that you flamed her. She has a wonderful site and you all should appreciate, and enjoy such fans. (I used to get those weekly)

I also dont wanna hear complaints about my spelling. Its a site people, its for enjoyment not to bicker about the little things.

Featured Wallpaper
Ok Wallpapers are up, got more to make tho, enjoy em.
Last Updated: September 26th, 2003
*sighs* I know I haven't been updating much, but I seem to have lost interest in this. Maybe as time goes by I'll Have everything updated an get back into the game. With the birth of my daughter things have been hectic, plus moveing to VA, Moveing back. Whew. Too much to deal with now a days. ever miss the days where you were still in highschool? Old enough to be cool to little kids, but still little enough to enjoy the bus, or tv, not working, getting birthday money?

Dream in Color (c) Jennifer Frederick