Heartily Enough

¤ß º¡ ·N ¨¬

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Welcome to this new page!!! This site is a upgrade from 'The Wonderful Journey of Priscilla Chan'. The reason that I choose the name Heartily Enough (¤ß º¡ ·N ¨¬ ) for this page is because it's the name of one of my most favorite song. Hope you like this page as much as I like the song. It's very difficult to supply  pictures . So some of the pics are from other pages.
I like to thank the web masters of other Priscilla pages for pictures and  information. So  don't forget to visit their sites! 
Please don't think that  'The wonderful journey' is the same as this page, because there are some differences. Here you can find more pictures and more music then 'The wonderful journey'.  While the 'old page' ( Not exactly true, because it will still be updated) provides more information, this page gives you more to download.
There are links to other great Priscilla pages to download more pics, midi and Ra -files. Some links are directly linked to the pages where you can download the files. You can expect a section, where you can find Java applets and Javascript to use it on your own homepage (The scripts and the applets have something to do with Priscilla ofcourse).  If you want to find a song and it's not on this page,  mail and tell me which song you like and I'll put it on this site. Now you know why this is a real 'download page'!!!  
Want to know more about Priscilla? And you want to check the latest news about her? Then the profile section is something for you.  
This page will be frequently updated, so visit again soon!!!
If you have any suggestion or question, please let me know!  Just one very important thing: Don't forget to sign my Guestbook!!!! Hope you'll enjoy!!! 
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Feedback: X_chinese@hotmail.com 

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 The web masters of other Priscilla pages for  pictures and information. THANKS !!  

Last Revision: 20 March 1998
Number of Visitors: Thank you for your visit.
Page is created by: Kong Yiu   (X_chinese@hotmail.com) Holland '98
Go UP!