Hihi~!! Welcome to my homepage. I no longer maintain it anymore, but I hope you will enjoy it anyway!
Stuff about me My Profile  ~~

Funny stuff~!! "Me" Survey .... . . ... . . . . a little survey about myself (interesting to read AND write)

Hey everyone~! My AWESOME Friends~!!

Internet = chatting Chat Room . . . nobody usually there, if you wanna chat and you see me online on icq, tell me~!!

what i think about when i'm bored out of my mind @@ Random thoughts page (stuff i type when i'm bored)

college, yeah~!! Grad and prom pictures, high school is OVER~!

just some silly pictures Picture gallery of myself.



Contact me:

icq (uin)  3517686

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George's Poll ^@_@^
How would you describe me?

quiet/shy, but cute enough to get away with it
loud/obnoxious, but not cute enough to get away with it
so quiet i need a megaphone
talkative, but not too much
click here if you can't decide or your choice isn't there

Current Results
a friend of mine made this poll for me, to prove a point, so please, don't be honest and put anything, hehehe~!