Why does my site suck? Who cares?! If you're still here I guess I'll tell you a little about myself. If you put any stock in the Enneagram (not that it's correct), I'd be a type 9. I love arcade games (Capcom is our lord and master, and Square-Enix is its prophet, or something...), V:TES (and to a lesser degree the Shadowrun CCG), RPG's (video, live, or 'top), wasting time (esp. with TV, reading, various art, etc.), languages (Latin, Japanese, Sign, etc.), alt. comics (SiP, TotB, TT, RM, BtAF, etc.) sleep (blissful unconsciousness...), alt. music (TMBG!), nonsense, and anime. Of course, when I'm stuck outside I turn to foot bag & inline skating. All in all, they're pretty standard interests, so they fit in with my run-of-the-mill page. Chatrooms, frames, and pop-ups blow (If you're trapped in frames now, click here to escape.). In the future I plan to put a few of my short stories up (don't hold your breath), add more secret pages (Seraku snickers sneakily), & become Howard Hughes. In the meantime, you can check out my links section as well as an image gallery full of unassociated pix. What's new, you ask? You'll find a new gallery pic. (at the very end), another hit of incoherence as well as my freshly finished Sifl & Olly Show Shrine in a recently added surd sites section, & a reconstructed links page (there was an accident...), all in their respective sections. Also, the site is now rid of those irksome pop-up adds. (but there's still an add in the upper-right... 6-15-00) There's a new section, cool comic cache, which currently only has some selections from Penny Arcade, but it should be expanded eventually.
To email me click here , but we both know that you're not going to actually do it. I sometimes wonder what the point of putting it here was, seeing as how I don't know anyone who gets email flow from strangers (not counting junk email)... Likewise, it's a safe bet that you wouldn't want to sign my guestbook or view my guestbook either (the sign-in part doesn't work anymore. 10-28-04 don't hit me for putting one of these up; at least I don't have a counter...). Maybe this site will be cleaned up by the next time you stumble across it. .
Unless otherwise specified, none of these pictures are mine (although many have been slightly modified). All copyrights apply to images that are copyrighted by their respective copyrighters, blah, blah, blah...
pic. palace /
Howard Hughes /
huh? /
comic cache /
stray /
make mark /
see signatures