Ivan T. Boediman
I was born in 1978 in a beautiful city of gardens called Malang. It is located in a mountainous area in East Java, Indonesia and Malang is surrounded by three mountains, Mt. Bromo, Mt. Semeru, and Mt. Arjuno. That makes Malang a very nice place to live in. I graduated from Kolese Santo Yusup Catholic Senior High School Malang in June 1996. I got my Bachelor of Science in Industrial & Systems Engineering from The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio,USA.
While in Columbus, I joined religion-based organizations like ICF-Columbus (Indonesian Christian Fellowship) and Mudika Columbus (Indonesian Catholics). And I also joined Indonesian Student Association (Permias Columbus). Since computer is one of my hobbies, I became a member of the networking teams in those three organizations and I created one picture for the picture of the week on ICF homepage. At that time, I also became the Permias Officer in charge of public relations.
History, especially Chinese History, is my favorite subject. I have read a lot of books about Chinese history and culture.

At the moment, I am working as a Business System Analyst in U.D. Waru Agung, a Malang-based hardware distributor. In my spare time, I am involved in Holy Trinity Community as a member.

Last editted by Ivan Taruna Boediman on February 8, 2004.

Personal Links:
Holy Trinity Community
The Ohio State University
Catholic Fellowship And Ministry (CFM) Columbus
Permias Columbus
Email: itboediman@geocities.com