Hi and welcome to My Page!!!

Please forgive me on any typos. Please feel free to email me on typos. I hope you like Japanese Animation (Anime) because I do. Here are some anime links: AnimEigo and AnimEigo's chat room. Ask for me if I'm in the chat room, I'll answer. SOS's web page is  SOS.

Learn a bit about me

My animeigo avatars

Webrings i've joined

My pic galleries dead link ufn

Files that I think you will have fun with


my memory to minako aino (my cat that died)

I'm open to all comments good, bad, or both; Email me. I need your comments, so I can try to give you what you want! email me!

I have icq, my # is 14808225 ^_~

Thank You for coming to my page ^_^

And please come back soon ^_-