Welcome to my J-pop homepage! Although it is not much for now, i hope that you all could still give me your precious opinions in my guestbook, i would really appreciate it a lot!

This webpage is mainly about my idol, SMAP and reviews about the japanese dramas i have watched. There are also midis of some japanese dramas that i hope you all will like. I will try constantly to update this page, thanks for visiting!


check out their birthdates, hobbies, etc!

sorry, not up yet, coming soon!

sorry, not up yet, coming soon!

Only LONG VACATION is up, i wil try to put up others ASAP, there are also some midis and mp3s, check it out!

not up yet, interested putting your link here, email me!



It's been so long I have been saying that u will update this page as long as I am free from exams. Guess what?! Not that i have finished my exams, I have also graduated!!!Time really pass by very fast. Now that I am working, I really hope that i do have the time to update this page whenever i can. But I maybe changing this J-pop page into other stuffs.... but not decided yet. Anyway, wait for my return!!!(feels weird that I am actually writing this since I dun think anyone will be interested in this page, haha)

Note: Special thanks to Lilian of Smap Wonderland and Lizzy of jpop express for supplying me the pictures. Thanks a lot! Check out their websites too, it's great!

This midi is from Smap called Serori, a very lively song!

you are the person here.

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