Diane's Travelling Memories
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2003 & 2004: [Europe-1] [Europe-2] [Caribbean]
[N. America-1] [N. America-2]
May 2005: [ Barcelona ] [ W. Mediterranean-1 ] [ W. Mediterranean-2 ]
October 2005: [ Holland ] [ Belgium ] [ Greece ]

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I love to travel and take photos. Different places give me different feelings, out of all the places that I have been to, I love Florence the most - a city that is full of beautiful architectures and artistic scluptures! I will surely go there again in the future. There are also alot of other places that are already on my wish-list such as: Greece, Barcelona, Belgium, Fiji, Shanghai, Amsterdam...etc.

The photos below are a few of my favorites, more are shown in the next few pages. All of them were taken with my Sony P7 digital camera while I was travelling to different places in the past few years, please enjoy and hope you will like them =)!

[written on April 30, 2005 @ home]
Ponte Vecchio - Florence Musei Vaticani
Ponte Vecchio - Florence, Italy
(Apr 2004)
Musei Vaticani - Vatican City, Italy
(Apr 2004)
Roman Bath Algonquin Park
Roman Bath - Bath, U.K.
(Apr 2004)
Algonquin Park - Ontario, Canada
(Oct 2004)
San Francisco
San Francisco - California, U.S.
(Dec 2003)
Hotel Paradisu - Veradero, Cuba
(June 2003)