So what have I been up to this semester? well, i guess im taking four classes up at the fine institution they call uc berkeley. my classes aren't too hard, so i do have time to update this. but next semester is gonna be a bi---... but that's next semester. so it's pretty cool up here, lot's of uh... different kinds of people. but i gotta admit, it's pretty sick up here.
i live in unit 2, in cunningham, on da second floor... boy, hope there aren't any stalkers out there, cuz you could just hunt me down with that info. anywayz, that's the power of the internet. i'm in a triple, and it's not that bad, except for the whole it's cramped like a mofo thing. i spend a lot of time in sharon and akiko's room cuz they are just cool like that, and marcell's in there a lot too.
Hey! So I went on this roadtrip this summer with my buddies from high school, the uh...Sexy Six as some people call us .Anyway, the six include Will, Brando (Teddy Bear), Chris, Jimbo (How's the lip?), Tony (Ton Dog/ Chinese Tony) and me... I guess I'm what makes the group "sexy" ...hehe...just kidding. So we went on this little trip down south to visit Cal Poly for Will and San Diego and Los Angeles and a little Tijuana action. In San Diego we hit up a little indian reservation gaming action, i won 13 bucks and thirty cents. We hit up Tijuana where the border police thought me and Brando urinated on the fence. And we hit up San Diego where Chris got his booty call on. In general the trip was good.
Oh yeah, i just started this job valet parking for Lucas Parking. It's a pretty cool job, except my legs hurt so bad from all the running and I keep on getting stiffed. Some people are so damn rude about it too, no thank you, no goodnight, no tip. Bastards. Anyway, other then that, I really like the job. The restaurant is cool and the people are ok too.
Can i tell you what pisses me off? Well, when i ask someone to meet for a group project at 4:30, i would hope that they would be there when i arrive at 4:30, or even if i arrive late, let's say 4:32. Well, i know a person, let's call him joe. Joe and i had to work on our history project, we were SUPPOSED to meet at 4:30, i got home at 4:32 because of tennis. Where was joe??? He was at home, he said he left because no one was there at 4:30. WTF. When people can't wait 2 friggin' minutes it pisses me off. Yeah, well this still pisses me off, i won't erase this yet.
Well, sorry if you came here looking for a lot of anime stuff...but here's a little something something for you:
PICTURES, check them out, there's a really cute little boy in a pumpkin costume
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