Last updated: 30th July, 1999
I know I haven't updated for ages, but I've been really busy. Anyway there are HEAPS more images and animated gof's coming to ALL of the scout pages, (i just have to DO it). It may take a while for all of them to be updated, but I promise that I will. Thanks for being so paitent. P.S. Do you like the new layout???
Sailor Mercury is the brains of the senshi. Thought she isn't the fighter that the others are, Mercury still contributes alot to the fight. I'm just going to concerntrate on images from now on (that still includes the animated gif's). Most of the images are rare and in my searching of the net, I have only seen them once or twice. There is one thing I want you to do if you want my images. 1) Tell me... 2) load them up onto you OWN page. Don't link these images. It will slow down BOTH our pages. That's it. I hope you enjoy the pics.
Sailor Mercury's Image Page
Ami's Image Page
Mercury's Animated Gif's
The Scout of Water's Banners
Sailor Mercury's Web Rings
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The Scout of Love
The Scouts of Love and Justice:
The Scouts Animated Gif's Page
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