wSuP wSuP!! name is IaSee Her, I'm 100% HMONG and I'm currently a sophomore in college. anYwAiZeeEee....contrary to popular belief, I'm a really nice person; I just love to BS a lot *sMiLeZ*.

Welpz, if you are here already, do stay for a while longer. Knowing that many people find the thought of reading text tedious, I thank you for your time in here. I truly appreciate it =). Though I have nothing to offer you in the way of entertainment (which I know most of you seek when surfing the net--I do the same) I would like to share with you the invaluable treasures I have been fortunate enough to stumble upon as I wander aimlessly in this labyrinth we call life.

I was born in Thailand in 1979 to two wonderful people: VaSeng Her and Ya Vang. They are my loving parents; without them I doubt I would have made it this far. I know I am very fortunate to have these two people in my life. All their lectures and stories might have gone in one ear and out the other, but the love and strength they showed me are forever locked in my soul. Not a day goes by that I do not stand amazed at the beauty of these two people who had sacrificed so much for me and my siblings. Then there are my amazingly talented grandparents, both of whom I love very much. They had a big part in raising me, and to this day I will forever be thankful to them for that.

Being the oldest of nine children, I find it difficult at times to have peace and quiet. Even so I can undoubtly say that I am greatful for the lilo monsterz who invades my space,frustrates, annoy,and irritate the hell out of me, and then melt my heart with their everlasting love for each other, and, not surprisingly, for me also =). I can't even begin to describe how much these foolz mean to me...I suppose all I need to say is that they are the priceless jewelz that enrich my life.

So Welcome to my domain...and enjoy your stay. Do take the time to look around; I promise I won't bite =) ENTER

OtAy...uMmM.... check out some tyte graphics: