Hello, welcome to the entryway to the Last Resort, a Sailor Moon Webpage created and run by me, Dei-chan Winter. Below you may choose frames or no frames. By the way, I'm pretty sure that this page has more images then any other on my page. I'm also pretty sure that the only picture thats not a background that I didn't modify is the one at the top of this page, but feel free to keep most of the images I have. The uglier manga-themed backgrounds are modified by me, so I'd rather you not take them though. The other backgrounds are all from The Sailormoon Toolbox, until such a time as I get around to finding suitable manga pics.

In the past I had a note here saying the page is unfinished, I'm renouncing that statement now. I've been working on this page on and off for about four years now and never released it because I thought there was so much I had left to do. However, I almost never actually do anything to it other then upload fanfics. So, I'm going to get rid of the content I never update and when I have time I'll fix up the rest, but other then that it's basically all gonna stay the way it is.

falling in love >> Leon/Count D
guardian :: Diablos
i dream of Balamb Garden
Morty the Death's Head