LoCRian-X's page of J-Rock and X Japan.
Of course with some other appz and utilities.

A Little About Myself

My fav Band and forever will be the best band ever on earth

X Japan

(Click on the image above for more info on them)

Updates 9th July 2002

Added new mp3's,Reflection from Mulan soundtrack and also
a new Winamp skin,especially made for X Japan fans.
For X Japan fans,The Last Song was added to the X Japan Mp3's,
hope u guys enjoy it.
Please click on the X Japan logo to get the Stuffs.
Soon i'll be adding X Japan song lyrics and maybe the guitar tablature here.
Not to mention some other useful appz ,it will be done when i get the time to add it.
Please check back for updates,thank you.The updates will be coming soon ,before this i lost touch of my geocities ID ,after it was taken over by Yahoo that is,soon i'll update the page .
To all those that still follows this page sorry for the scheduled plan by me, but due to to some reasons i could not follow it up, hide's sadly missed till now. I've been busy with life and all and the years passes by so fast and i didnt even noticed it. Well maybe one day i'll get the desire to work this page up again and i'll do all the plans mentioned before. I've partly ended my guitar playings as i was involed in an accident that fractured my left hand and nver found the touch that i had before. But im still playin once in a while though not for any band anymore. Cya guys later in perhaps.

For More Information Email Me Or Icq Me at this UIN 4706834

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