find pics, secret info on sailor moon and some codes for pokemon!



Hi and thanx 4 coming. Welcome to Robin's sailormoon&pokemon page.

clik here to go to my sailor moon page.

clik here to go to my pokemon trainer's page

clik here to adopt a pic

clik here for my ranma page

asian? Show your pride!!!!clik on the pic to go to asian avenue!


About me: my name's Robin from Kali, and sixth grade, lookin' forward 2 easter vacation(cheers)!!!not taken... like all u peepz need 2 know that =P!! anyways, i want u to go to my friend's place at k? and i mean NNNOOOOOOWWWWWWWWW (just kidding). just ckeck it out. (ps sign her "g-book". o yeah, fiona,jana, and i have "PINAY POWER!!!!" in the words of fiona!)=P anywayz, i'm planning to add even MORE subjects to my site(wow, that's a lot) . PS- i am.... CHILD OF THE ANIME (japanese animation) hear me roar!!! i've got a ring that's called that so..... i'll post it later on! then more peepz can join! ok that's all about me 4 now! bye!