UPDATE 17/02/04:
I felt like changing the website a little, I was getting sick of the whole pimpin' thing (I guess I'm not a true playa.. le sigh...). It's now 1:27am which is probably not the best time to be giving your website a makeover. This is v0.0999 of this website and hopefully I'll update more often that before! Meh. I like it. So here it is! This is my crowning glory. I put up a new section of pictures from my protesting! And there's now a bio 'cause I know all you stalkers wanna know what I eat for breakfast every tuesday! Feel free to e-mail me at s_mars@hotmail.com if links don't work or something. Also, if you have any more questions for me to add to my bio PLEASE e-mail me those too!! I want to have a very indepth bio that will pick at the inner workings of my brain. Or whatever.