Nexus of Virtual Worlds

Some of my hobbies are:
Below are pages related to my hobbies:

Japanese Animation -

I started reading manga (Japanese comic book) when I was little. Later on, I began watching Anime video tapes. I think most of them are drawn very nicely. Detail oriented graphics and extensive use of colors were the main reasons why I like Japanese Anime over US cartoon. In addition, US cartoon is geared for kids where as Japanese Anime is for all audiences.

[link: my Anime Site!link]

Animals -

This is a hobby that most people share - raising pets. When I was little, I had all kinds of pets. I had Guinea Pig, fish, turtle, frog, silk warm, and even bees and spiders as pets. Currently, I have some fresh water critters including a fish that I caught during my first fishing trip. To the right is my most recent G.Pig pet friend Shau-Hua who passed away a couple of month ago.

[pict: close-up pict. of Shau-Hua]

Plants -

In my early ages as a country-side kid, I was fascinated by my grandpa's botanical garden. We lived in a high humidity location where a variety of plants with amazing physical forms and colors strive to grow at different niches. The recent Hawaii trip was a great expeience (though I gained few pounds after the trip :P ). To me, Hawaii seemed like a mystical fantasy world. It's decorated with variety of exotic plants.

[pict: extensive air-root system of a tree]

Stamps -

Most people I know collect something. Whether it is just hobby or an inherit behavior from ancestral hunters/gathers, I do not know, but I do know I like to collect stamps and coins. I put sheets of stamps in plastic protectors in binders. Whenever I flip through pages of stamp sheets, I always good. I think it's a sense of proud and accomplishment that drives this collection hobby.

[list: part of my stamp collection]

Art -

Art is also one of my favorite hobbies. Since I was little, I developed the hobby of drawing. Though some people praise my work, I like to think that I am merely copying. I admire the creative people that can think and draw their own ideas. So far, I have drawn 6 major pencil drawings and few water paints. Only one of them was drawn by looking at 3-D objects. The rest were "replica" of 2D images (from magazines or print outs).

[pict: replica water paint of "Birds"]

Games -

Playing computer games is one of the most common entertainments among people of all ages. I like shooter or action games a lot, because I believe they help eye-hand (or fingers) coordination. Roll-play game is starting to get interesting as well as people can interact in games over the internet for chat or play in same game. So far I enjoyed all the games Blizzard made, such as WarCraftII, StarCraft, and DiabloII.

[link: download games]

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