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This is from one of the opening credits of YYH... it says (obviously ^_^) Yuu Yuu Hakusho!

Irashaimase! Welcome to
Appleby-chan's Yuu Yuu Hakusho Website!!!

You are the th person to have wandered into the Makai. Hiei will escort, or, should I say, dump you back into the Ningenkai after your stay. ^_^

The Updates Section! - Last updated, 14 February 2000

Disclaimer: All characters, pictures, basically anything YYH you see here belongs to Yoshihiro Togashi-sama (etc.), and I am not nor have any intention of copyright infringement, I just want to make a small contribution to the world.

The Couples Poll - by Appleby-chan
What's your favourite YYH couple?

Current Results

What is YYH?
My take on an introduction to Yuu Yuu Hakusho (posted to the Internet Movie Database)

Become a YYH keeper today!YYH Keepers!!!
You HAVE to see this... And if you have something to contribute, send it to me, all suggestions are welcome! You know you've had too much YYH when...
Same applies here. Send the ideas in! You know you're ga-ga over Kurama when...

Test your knowledge of YYH! The (maybe) obscure Yuu Yuu Hakusho Quiz!
This is really, REALLY kewl... even if it takes a while to load...The Yuu Yuu Hakusho 3D Java Photocube!
YYH pics that have been scanned by me! ^_^

My YYH Fanfiction & Fanart!
Among other things! Lotsa Hiei & Kurama pics! ^o^

My Homepage! Appleby's Abode!

Go and SIGN MY GUESTBOOK!(Please! ^_^)
Have a peek at my Guestbook!

Mail Me!
Really, if you have ANYTHING to say, don't hesitate to e-mail me!

Appleby-chan's Yuu Yuu Hakusho Screen Capture Galleries!

Click on a banner to get to that particular image gallery! ^_^

Kurama Yuusuke
Hiei Kuwabara
Botan Koenma
Genkai Yukina
Juri Koto
Jin Touya
Suzuki Shishiwakamaru
Group Miscellaneous

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