Main Area

Welcome, name's Locke Cole. Howd'ya do? Good? Bad? Ok, either way, not my problem cuz I ain't here anyways. :P I am just an image of him here to welcome you to his page. Of course, you normally would have found this dope guy's page...what was his name? Ah, Galford. And his little role fightin' page. *LOL*

You little cheap bastard. I should run you through right now! \_/ How dare you of all people dare degrade my page. Have you any idea how many people it has aided?

Ha! Bring it on ninja boy! Feh...>:P

You'll get it soon enough you bloody thief, I'll meet ya at my dojo. Don't skimp out of me...little wimp...

Th-Thief!? I'LL BE THERE YA FRIGGIN $^@^@! \_/ ...blonde biiatch...

Aaaanyway's, there are two roads for you to take. And here they are...

Galford's Role Fighting Page, "The way of the Jurai: Path of honor"

"Locke's Fan Fiction collection"