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Final Fantasy Tactics
Throughout history, wars have and will repeat themselves in different times, different places. From these wars, legends of heroes are handed down from generation to generation. Weathered by rumors and the passing of time, the truth is usually forgotten, the reality buried under legends.
Many years ago, a war stewed and then erupted within the land of
Ivalice. It lasted for 50 years, finally ending when both sides laid down their arms. During these years, the war had exhausted
the people's strength and the country's resources, and inevitably the situation within Ivalice gradually became worse.
To help Ivalice move back towards prosperity, the lords of six ruling families came together. They were very dedicated to the cause but their balance of power soon collapsed. One year after the war had ended, the Princess of Ivalice, Ovelia, was abducted. Prompted by this, conflict grew between two families: Gallione and Zeltennia. The Gallione family was ruled by Prince Larg, whose crest was one of a White Lion and the Zeltennia family was ruled by Prince Goltana, whose crest was a Black
Lion. The war between the two families was later known as "The Lion War".
Added to the backdrop of the Lion War was the problem of
succession to Ivalice's throne due to the sudden death of the King. Prince Larg is the elder brother of Queen Ruvelia and Prince Goltana is the younger cousin of the dead King.
According to historical record, a young hero named Delita silenced the Lion War soon after it engulfed Ivalice.
There was also another young man named Ramza who played a role during the Lion War, though you will not see Ramza's name in any history books. But now the true story can be
told....if you dare to hear it.
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WHEE! The new site has opened (And in my opinion is set up much better than this ~_~! Please go and take a look...It's not near completion, and there are a bunch of broken links, but go take a look anyway. It's called 'A Waltz for the Moon' (The name of the Waltz played in FFVIII....^_~), and features my fan/artwork, ranting (mostly about games and anime/game related stuff though...not up yet, but geez...I love to rant ^_^), and music so far...I'm thinking about a fanfic thingie too though...Anyway, go see! And if you were previously on my links section, then I'll be sure to add you onto the new one too...Just click the big banner to get there!

As of April 8, 1998
Last updated
October 31, 1999
And now back to Final Fantasy Tactics....
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