Welcome to
Skimble's HomePage.
Well, I bet you're wondering why I've got skimble02 up there in the corner and yet still calling it Skimble's HomePage. Go ahead, I'll wait while you wonder... Hmmm mmmmm mmmmm... Are you finished wondering? Good; I'll tell you. The solution is simple. Some other shmuck on Geocities is using Skimble so I couldn't use it as my access handle. This is my HomePage (as you probably already figured out). Here's where you're gonna find links that I like, info about me (as if you care, right?) and maybe, just maybe, I'll also have some pictures of yours truly.
So far, I haven't got a lot here... with the exception of links to pages of my friends on The Gathering. What's The Gathering you ask? Only the most PRIMO chat site on the 'net! Don't believe me? Well, I've checked the other chat big-wigs (WBS and Yahoo) and in comparison, I find that The Gathering is way more user-friendly and eye-appealing. It also (which is a big plus for me) has absolutely no frames whatsoever. But there will be more about TG later.
For now, I haven't got much but I promise you that soon, I'll have tons more stuff. Here's what I've got so far:I will have more later on.
Okay people, I need your help. Take a look at my links page and tell me if I should put the separate sections on different pages. I've been thinking about doing this for a while so let me know what you want to see.
Well, there are lots of people to credit... First of all, the folks at ISEEK corp. for allowing me to use a screen shot of one of their chatrooms and the background from the same chatroom as well. Huge thanks to Y'all. Secondly, I should probably thank Beej for getting me that screenshot and Dj Jungle for editting it to my specifications and the editting of some of the other pics as well. Next up, is Angel of Music! for letting me use one of her backgrounds for my music page. Next on the list has to be all the chatters that I talk to the most frequently. The list is kinda long so I'll put it on the CHATTERS page, but special mention should be made of Haven and Dreamgirl, who's invaluable encouragement and assistance have let to the formation of what you see before you. Well, I can't think of anyone else to thank right now. So, I'll let you get on with looking at my page. Hope you enjoy it.
This page was last updated on Monday October 04th, 1999
Update History:
Monday October 4th: Added the Roy Orbison, Burton Cummings and Knight Rider links to the links page.
Saturday July 3rd: Added a heap of links to both the General Links and Chatters' Links and placing a poll on the main page.
Friday May 07th: Changed the band's name from Giggly Goo Goos to Slam Tilt, added 2 new poems to the poetry page and that's about it... Hope I can start updating more frequently now that the semester's over.
March 27th: Okay, after a truly long time, here's another update... Added the link to Sailor Heart's site, and created the BAND page... More to come as soon as I can think of it. Updated the update history as well.
MArch 20th: Re-worked the Writings page and added a cool background to it. Hope you all enjoy it.
January 23rd 1999: Hey, it's the first anniversary of this page. IT was also the first anniversary of my Unofficial TG Chat Gallery (on March 2nd, 1999) And being the typical male that I am, I totally forgot all about it.
July 17th: After too long an abscence from updating, I am back with a vengeance, putting up my poetry page with all original stuff,and puttin' up lots more links for y'all to enjoy. Soon I hope to make a really overdue update to the Gallery and get my Philly Phest '98 pics posted; not to mention the pics of my friends at TG.
May 15th: After too long without an update, lots of Sailor Moon and anime links added, plus decision made to merge this page and the old Compmore page resulting in what will become the Sailor Heart Mini-Site. Also, added more Chatters' Links to Chatters' Page as well as the banner for the 1998 Philly Phest.
April 9th: Added the Al Yankovic link, and added a few more names and chatters links to the Chatters' Page.
March 2nd: Added link to Gallery page (born on March 2nd, 1998)
February 12th: Put new MIDI file on chatters' page, added the pictures of me page.
February 9th: Added "People I Met But Don't Know To Well" list to chatters' page, added more names to the Chatters' list, re-tooled the Chatters page to incorporate a MIDI that previously wouldn't work.
February 2nd: Added 3 MIDI files to the index, music and chatters pages
January 31st: Added Links page and started Update History
January 30th: Added the starry background to the index page
January 27th: Opened the page.
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