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Rush's Sailor Moon Fanfics page

There is an author of the month contest, so please vote for me, Prince Darien. I would greatly appreciate it.

Hey, guess what? I got the Author of the Month award at Rush's! (Feb. of 1999) Thanks to everyone who voted for me! It means a lot to me!

I have an award to give out! It will be given out on a weekly basis, but to only one site at a time. Tell me if you want it! I'll visit your page, and let you know when I make my decision. I would display the pic, but then someone would just copy it, and put it on their homepage, saying they had won, yaddayaddayadda.

OK, in case you haven't noticed, I put more fics up in the archive. And now....

(11/2/99) I know it has been a while since my last update, and sorry this is not a real update. I have a very busy schedule and I may have to stop with this all together. My music is taking up way too much of my time. If anyone would like to take over this site, email me at with the subject line "Take over" Thank you

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Some Rockin' Fanfics are waiting for you!!!

Go to my AWARDSpage.

Please email me a story, and I will post it. (I'll correct any mispelled words if you want me to).

You are the person to visit this site , + 9975 (my counter reset).
Update (12/10/98)
The author of the month hs been chosen for November! Go here to see it!

I'm back, so email me right now!

My Million Dollar Marching Band Page

Let me take you to the great FANFIC ARCHIVE
Author of the Month Awards (Now up!).

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© 1997-1998 Prince Darien


This page last updated 6/28/1998 @ 9:21 p.m. EST.
Disclaimer!! Sailor Moon, Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon, and Pretty Solder Sailor Moon are all copyrights of Naoko Takeuchi, Toei Animation, and the English dubbed version is property of DiC.

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