This page is dedicated to Ranma ½, a humourous,
and addicting Japanese comedy/romance series by
Rumiko Takahashi.Ranma ½ Intro*
The story is centered around Ranma Saotome, a highly
skilled teenage martial artist, who is accidentally cursed while
training in China with his father. Unless he finds a cure,
cold water transforms Ranma into a female version
of himself, and hot water reverses this. Not only
that, but shortly afterwards, Ranma's father introduced
him to his old friend, Soün, and his three daughters,
and asked to pick one as his wife.A large amount of the stories are based on martial arts
based combat (or where martial arts plays an important role),
often with weird styles or in strange situations. Also,
there are several girls interested in Ranma, and several
guys interested in Ranma's fiancée, Akane, and since they
are all martial artists, this leads to some 'interesting' situations.Ranma ½ is a gender bending, wacky (but sometimes serious)
martial arts comedy.*Taken from the Ranma ½ FAQ
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The Ranma ½ Galleria is created & maintained by K-Ci
Last Updated: 02.15.99 | Creation Date: 01.31.98This page is hosted by Get your own Free Home Page