Pirate Ninja Management - We plunder secretly and with style.



The Links page is up! Nothing else is, sadly. Blame Physics for this, not me. If there are any essential links that I've missed, let me know, yeah?


Well, I've got the space. I've had it for years. Now I'm finally starting to use it. I figured that this could actually be a fun little place for me to use. I'll post pictures, ramblings, and whatnot here. Of course, it may take some time. I'm doing it all by hand. Why? Because I would prefer to program it that way. No worries, though, I'm not actually sure of what the content will be anyway.

So far, the plan is to use it sort of as an online portfolio. I can put any art I like enough to share up here (and, yes, I do make art in a sense), as well as essays I'm particularly proud of and just general stuff.

Also, be ye warned that although there may be active links, they don't go anywhere. Yet.

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Ian Korn