Hi! Welcome to my homepage. Please stay tuned for more things to come! As you can see, I am a really big fan of Asian singers. I think they're terrific. Their charming voice really makes me feel wonderful and relaxed. Listening to their music is really something that I enjoy.

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Please click on the following names to go directly to their pictures

Jane Chen
Winnie Lau
Vivian Lai
Vivian Chow
Namie Amuro
Meng Ting Wei
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Jane Chen

The Jane Chen pictures above were originally scanned by AsiaVision. Contact them at AsiaVision.
Jane Chen is a wonderful singer. Her voice is very sweet. She came out with a lot of songs that were famous. Some of my favorites are Burden of Love and Where to find a good person. I am looking very forward to listen to her next album!
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Winnie Lau

Winnie Lau is a very famous singer from Hong Kong. Some of my favorite songs are One Day Fourty-Eight Hours and The Heart Always Hurt.
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Vivian Lai

Vivian Lai has a really unique voice. She is also a very famous singer from Hong Kong. Some of my favorite songs are You Were Once My Everything and On the Sunshine Road.
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Vivian Chow

The Vivian Chow pictures above were originally scanned by Datatron. Contact them at Datatron.
Vivian Chow has a cute smile. I like her song C'est La Vie.
Click here for more Vivian Chow pictures!
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Namie Amuro

Namie Amuro is one of the most exciting singers in Japan. Her popularity is growing every minute and she is only 19 years old! Some of her hit songs are Body Feels Exit, and You're My Sunshine.
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Meng Ting Wei

Meng Ting Wei is a very famous singer in Taiwan. She has a very sweet voice. I like her new album, sign language, very much. She also has another terrific song called Is It Real Or Is It Unreal?
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Some nice links

If you love animations, please visit my sister's web page The Rising Land of Bishounens.
Please visit my other pages at Cybercity and Webvillage
Edwin's Vivian Lai page
Dave Wang's page
Anthony's Winnie Lau page

UT Buddhist Association
Namie Amuro
Langley Computer Services
Meng Ting Wei
A+ Art

This web page is maintained by Johnson Lee. If you have any questions or comments, please e-mail me at jlee-lp@mail.utexas.edu or jhmlee@geocities.com
I really appreciate Geocities for giving me this web page. Thank you Geocities!

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