Greetings from Tummy Ink...!!! :)

[Big CD Picture Thingy]

Announcing the merger of TLM Studios and Crumby Productions Ink!!! The new subsidiary is Tummy Ink..!!! (It's not a tatoo place, so if you got here by a search for 'tummy' or whatever, sorry. But feel free to look around.. (Everything previously associated with TLM Studios or Crumby Productions can be found here.)

Tummy Ink..!!! is not responsible for any effects that may be produced while browsing, looking, glancing, staring, perusing, or just basically spending too much time here at Tummy. We cannot be held responsible for lateness of work, lack of sleep, or any harmful side-effects which may surface after visiting this website.. :)

Under Conseption

Welcome to the Tummy's Website..!

This is a great place to wet your feet if you are just starting out, or a place to come to have fun, find some more links and even start your day of surfing from!

Welcome to Tummy Ink's Website! These pages are currently under construction, but don't forget to bookmark and come back soon, as more features and sites are being added constantly!

Here are some of our currently running areas:

What is Tummy, anyway..? <- (Here, you will find a brevious history of this organization, as well as some info on what can be found lying around the place (eew).)

A message from the "Troyster":

This is a family-oriented site. I am the Editor here, and do my best at double-checking all the pictures, thoughts, songs and links that run through here. If you find anything you feel is questionable that I have missed, please do not hesitate to write to me. I screen all the members' pages before sending them to my server, but sometimes do so late at night..:) That's all.. Remember, have fun, at all these pages and anywhere else you might surf to! Take care.

Now, on to the Pages..!!

Here is a list of the pages you can find today at Tummy:

(Just click on the CD and..BOOM!!)

Member's Pages..!

[Spinning CD] Ninja's Pagoda - Put on some tabi's and have a visit!

Coming Soon! Ifx's Corner - What's he up to now? He's studying Japanese in Canada! Learn how to write Japanese on his pages. Very complete and easy to follow. Nice job.

Coming Soon! Emerald's Castle - Want Music? Emerald has some! Check out the Music Modules, the Player (to listen to them), and grab the Tracker to make some of your own! She brings the heart of TLM Studios with her to Tummy - the Music..

[Spinning CD] The Official Laws of Inter-Dimensional Travel - If you are planning on doing some Inter-Dimensional Travel, you need to know these laws, or the Vorteses Police will arrest you!

The Circle-K Ranch, Home of the Kaobouys

Coming Soon! SHaDoW's Dark Place - Multimedia Heaven.. He likes trailers, he does.. Check out his links to .mov's, .avi's and more!

Coming Soon! D-Fender's Page - With the qualities of a Paladin, D-Fender presents the truth..

Stuff to look at:

Coming Soon! Crop Circles on the WeB!!

The Link Page..!!!

Feel free to E-amil any of us here at Tummy Ink..!!! - Simply put the name of who it's to in the "Subject" of your letters. Thanks! Your letters can be directed to: Tummy Ink..!!! at Geocities.

Under Conseption

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~Tummy's "c'mere" Poem

Tummy Ink..!!! is not affiliated in any way with any brands, companies, logos, or anything worth anything on these pages. Any and all material presented here is merely for fun, and sometimes for admiration of said companies. All registered games, I mean, logos, etc. are property of those respective companies or whatever. We realize that there is quite a bit of cheese on these pages. It is recommended that the lactose intolerant block out these pages. Please do not view this site if you do not have a sense of humour or are part of some sting for those parking tickets, because I paid them yesterday. Really.

I didn't WANT it centered, ok? :)

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