Hi, I am Peggy Lo. I graduated from the Biology department at UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles). I currently have 2 dogs and 4 cats. You can see pictures of them...just click here.
Born in Taiwan, R.O.C. on June 21, I am the second of three kids. I live in West Los Angeles, California. To the right is a picture of my family, taken on the day of my college graduation. I am the shortest one, between my mom and my dad on the right hand side. The guy to the left of my mom is my younger brother Kai. The person to his left is my older sister Gina, who just graduated from UCLA law school.
What am I doing? I work as graphic design/web mistress/tech support at the UCLA Center for the Study of Women and Women's Studies Programs.
(The following requires Big5 to read)
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The Loony Bin (My brother Kai's homepage)
David Lai's homepage
UCLA Women's Studies Program and Center for the Study of Women
Dreams are my reality... (My tribute to Jeff Chang, the Chinese "Prince of Love Songs")
Pictures with some of my friends