Welcome to Josh's Fayevourite Faye Wong Page. Since 1996, this site has been dedicated to providing visitors with information on Chinese singer Faye Wong. A voice that comes once a generation.
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Sony has released Faye's 2003 "Live" HK concert on to a double CD album, SACD, DVD, and VCD. It was recorded on Christmas Eve 2003 from Faye's fifth of 8 nights of HK concerts. Faye utilizes a different live singing voice on this album that may take some time getting used to. Faye performs many of her hits from over the years with new arrangements and some tracks are shortened, almost medley-like. Faye also performs two English covers, Blondie's "Heart Of Glass" and Burt Bacharach's "The Look Of Love". A very good starting point for new listeners.
Cinepoly/Universal releases yet another greatest hits compilation, "Sound & Vision Deluxe", June 2004. This compliation contains no new songs. But it does contain a 10 track DVD of older Faye MTVs. A very good starting point for new listeners.
Click here to view Faye's personal welcome message to the site.
New Page Updates: (for major page updates only)
The Complete Discography page has been updated with the "Live" 2003 concert album and many reissued and SACD albums (November 29).
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Buy Your Faye Wong CDs, DVDs, VCDs, Posters & More At YesAsia:
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Disclaimer: This document in no way represents Yahoo! GeoCities. All pics displayed are copyrighted by their respective owners. All opinions are mine alone unless otherwise stated and all errors are the fault of others. FAYE IS THE BEST!