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Anime...the Filipino Style!

Hurray! At long last, some improvements! hello and welcome to my humble page in the net! Pics is my name, and looking for, talking about, playing, reading, drawing, surfing, and anything else that you can do about anime is my pastime (like fantasizing). In my side of the universe, I am also known as the anime galactic majordomo, working for the anime galactic empress...y'know, keeping all her men "at bay" =P
Anyway, I've been blessed to be born in an anime rich country..not exactly in Japan, but in an archipelago near it...Philippines! you may know our country as Philippine Islands or Republic of the Philippines. Specially now, with the comeback of Voltes V, a popular mecha anime since the 1970's, more and more anime (japanese animation) has been shown and aired in local TV.  Most of the anime aired here are dubbed in our native language, tagalog.
Are you in such a loss for jargon, or simply confused? Be a newbie or an anime otaku like myself...Read on my friend, and explore...

since there has been a flux of anime on local tv since the last time this was created/updated, i'll be changing several pages and the divisions...PRETTY SOON! feel free, though, to look my old pages devoted to "Philippinized" anime, in my native tongue, Tagalog.  besides these, I'll also be including the animes i wish (i do!) local TV owners and producers have the mind to air...as well as other animes featured in my pages.


info sites bone tickling et cetera =P


***Please click on the dancing half dragon, whose name is Mink of Dragon half fame, to enter!***


we are in need of persons who love contributing to other people's pages.
our other qualifications are:
any fanfic, critique or review and even pictures are very much welcome. all contributions will be accepted.  Of course, all your contributions would bear your name.


the midi youre listening to is from a cute  anime pc game whose title i forgot =b

will you believe me if i told you this web project was made possible through two softwares in conflict? yes, this is constructed with Netscape composer as well as Microsoft Front Page.

Are you lost? click here to enter the other pages.


is your site related to any of the anime we are currently featuring?
do tell us!

I am a filipino!


i am a geocities member!


do the pictures look familiar?
its a two-volume one called Dragon Half...
...like it?


arent you a really good person...reading up to the end!

Click here to finally enter!

what can we do for you? our e-mail is tanix@geocities.com never hesitate (to what, complain....?!)

revised!!! 05/23/99
this homepage is owned by Sonia, Pics and Co. the anime that are included here have their own copyrights.  this page only serves to honor them, and not to put them up for sale.  If you ever have any problems, please inform us, and we will respond to it as sopn as possible. Thank you!