ani73.gif (9283 bytes)         Welcome to Youichi 's Homepage!!!!

wavyln.gif (3036 bytes)

       Hello all,this is my second homepage,What do u think of this??Better then the first one or still worse?

        I used so much time to made  this homepage,Hope that u all will like it!!ehehhe,If u have any comments of this homepage,welcome to send email to me or send message to me(by ICQ)!!




V.jpg (16328 bytes)
Van Gogh

(Press Van Gogh's looking  to see more drawing!!)

I love Van Gogh 's drawing very much!So that i put some of Van Gogh 's drawing in my homeage ,give everyone to see it,Hope that you will like it la!!!!ehhehehehCoz ur Bowers do not support Plug-in,so u can't hear midi

