Johnny's Juniors
Hihi~~ my name is pino-chan ne~~thanks you for coming and hope you'll enjoy with my homepage. This homepage made for everybody who love Johnny's juniors and I want to say thanks you for my friends …
bebeQ who teach me how to make homepage and SANAE and YUKKI helping me to translated articles and everybody who visit my homepage … thanks ne~~ …domo arigato gosaimasu…
Akiyama Jun ('80.6.4 )
Kazama Shunsuke ('83.6.17)
Goseki Kouichi ('85.6.17)
Ninomiya Kazunari ('83.6.17)
Maruno Suguru ('88.6.26)
kakkoiiiii~~~~ ne~
NEWS Arashi fist concert vdo out now Arashi 3rd single will be release on Jul,12 (Typhoon Generation/Asuni mukatte hoero) Arashi had joined UTABAN on Jul.6 Arashi will be join Music Station on Jul.14,21,28 Arashi will be join Pop Jam on Jul.15 Massage from pino-chan Yo-Yo!!! ARASHI first concert vdo out ne~ so cool la~ I think I can see them soon la~ may be after this day around 3 days la~~ so happy ne~~ and next month on Jul,12 arashi 3rd single will be release ne~ really want to hear their songs ne~ …oo !! sho-kun have drama on Jul,8 ne~ don’t miss la~ This month I add song "NATSU" kimura takuya's song that nino sang in concert la~ hope u like it la~ mata ne~ |
Please don’t forget to sign my guest book before u leave ne~~
MP3 : sunrise nippon , HORIZON (05/17)
Special Gallery : Ninomiya Kazunari (06/1)
Arashi homepage has been updated (06/1)
" "MP3 : Natsu~ (06/28)
MP3 : Typhoon Generation , Asuni mukatte hoero (07/13)
Arashi homepage has been updated (11/1/2000)
CLICK HERE "MP3 : Kansha kangeki ame arashi , OK! ALL RIGHT (11/8)
icq num # 16515798
This home page was only made for enjoyment
...No business involved...
Copyright reserved by pianny '2000
you're juniors fan#
Last update