Welcome to my page 'o stuff
(Formally known as Ryo-Ohki's anime page)

Hello Kitty!
Welcome, I see you found my home, I am working on making
it look better for you and me so if you give me some time, I think you
will be happy. While I am working on it, you will find more pictures of
the cutest cabbit ever, Ryo-Ohki! Well, as all pages have, ON WITH THE USELESS LINKS!!!!
I created my own fanfic, The Adventures of Captain Trendy! Based on Sailor Moon, I hope you download it and support me.
My IRC script is currently in version 3.0, Should be getting better, so get it ok?
Would you like to abopt a cabbit?
People who adopted a cabbit ^_^ (Needs ot be updated!)
though the internet, you're bound to find things that bother you...
you didn't want to know, you know now, I am a big fan of racing...
good is a page if it doesn't have links anywhere else?
really don't like metallica, and I don't think you should either...
Not working...
good anime series is Ranma 1/2...
am working on getting some Tenchi Pictures...but I ran into trouble!
last, I support free speech online, and you should too...
I have my own chat room too!
I am part of some webrings...
Everything you never wanted to know about me...like that I am Chinese porn star...
Play xetris (tetris) online...
© 1996 ryooki@execpc.com.com
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People saw my page
| The Adventures of Captain Trendy! | Abopt a cabbit | Cabbits | Don't like
| Racing | Links | Metallica
Sucks | Sailor Moon | Ranma
1/2 | Tenchi | Free
speech | Me | Xetris

Hello, I'm Ryo-Ohki, Don gave me a home here.
Can you find homes for my other brother and sisters?
Click here
Currently my Tamagotchi is at dead
stage at
36 years old
Theme to the Saint
My URL: http://welcome.to/^_^
I got it for free at http://welcome.to
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