I and everyone here at Rat and HammerSpace wish to offer our deepest condolescences to those affected by September 11th's tragedies in New York, Washington D.C. and Pennsylvania. Our prayers are with all of you.

Pen Pen


I'm Anne Packrat, manager of HammerSpace. Where do you want to go?

ballAkane HammerSpace Main - The main office includes a shrine to my boss, Akane Tendo and some Ranma 1/2 humor stuff.

ballWashu SubSpace - Washu-chan seems to have set up an extra lab here in HammerSpace. Akane isn't happy about it, but she lets Washu stay, meanwhile, Washu considers me her lackey.... 0_o. Anyway, this is where Little Washu is.

ballKiyone DeepSpace - Poor Kiyone... She got stuck out here in DeepSpace by her rather ditzy partner, Mihoshi. Why not go visit her and try to cheer her up?

ballLibrarian L-Space - This is the official library of HammerSpace. It contains my Ranma fanfiction (including the Introspections series), some CAPOW information and stories, and some original stories. Say hi to the Librarian when you're there. He's helping out on sabbatical from the Unseen University....

ballSD Sailor Moon The Perfectly Useless Sailor Space - I'm not sure when or how this turned up. It appears to be a Space about Sailor Moon, but I'm not sure the information is quite right...

ballrat CrawlSpace - My home! There's some personal and miscellaneous stuff here, including an update on my life, and some Warner Brothers stuff, my Escaflowne Desktop Theme and an Anime petz page...

ball The Gold Digger Minus 18 Page - This section is dedicated to a wonderful feature of Fred Perry's Gold Digger comic. Gold Digger is actually American manga! Check it out!

ballOtakumentary - Find out how you can help me out with my senior project.... A documentary about North American Otaku!

What's New

January 8, 2001 - Amazing how unstable my life is now eh? Anyway, I am no longer accepting reader submissions for the What if Ranma....? page.

October 6, 2001 - Washu found some more Failed Inventions. Oh, and HammerSpace can now be found at www.ratspace.net .

You are the to find us since the counter was put here on 11/17/97, if the darn thing is working correctly that is.

Please feel free to send comments or questions to annepackrat@hotmail.com.

Also you can read the Notes from the Management which contains some policies, general notes, and future plans for the site.

Ranma 1/2 and it's characters are created by Rumiko Takahashi, and copyrighted by a bunch of companies. Tenchi Muyo and its characters are copyrighted by Pioneer LDC. Sailor Moon is copyrighted by Dic and some other companies. The Libriarian is owned by himself and appears in the Discworld novels by Terry Pratchett. The other anime is owned by other companies. All of this is not intended in any way to make me a profit and it's only for informational and entertainment purposes okay? Adios.

Space for the HammerSpace home page is kindly donated by Geocities.