Welcome to Ukyou & Akane's bath!
P-chan! What are you doing in our bath? Oh, he wants to give you the 411 on us; & tell you who we are, & who we're like! If you don't know who Ukyou & Akane are, but know who Kim and/or Jill are, stop here first! [01*10*98]
Take a peek at Kimmee's favorite Ranma 1/2 pics -this page takes a while to load, and is not recommended for Ranma 1/2 virgins...
Oops! Ukyou must have dropped her spatulas while looking at The Photo Albulm - see a few pix of us & a hella interesting pic of "The Spice Girls" [01*10*98]
The Grinch Who Stole Christmas must have dropped this Santa Claus hat in here! He can give you a few quotes from quotes The Book of Doc [quotes from our insane Spanish teacher] This page now contains the ACTUAL PRICE OF TEA IN CHINA!
How did that Panda get in here? First a pig, now a panda?? This is the last time we're taking a cold bath!! That panda must be trying to get on Angie, Jill, and Kim's list of Guys To Marry
Is coffee the single most important beverage in your life? Consider Chef Boyardee "real food"? You must be in college! Here's a list of ways when you know you're in college. . . [01*28*98]
Rings & Such - web rings that we belong to! Get linked to other pages that have something in common with ours!
Leaving so soon? Well, here are a few Ukyou & Akane approved directions [links] for you to float off to.
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[or Ukyou will beat you with a spatula, and Akane, well, she'll just kick your arse :-) ]
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