"Someday we will be gone. New sailor soldiers, new stars will be born...but Sailormoon, you will forever be immortal. For all eternity, you will be the most beautiful, brilliant light."
Ohayo and welcome to the Crystal Moon (formerly known as Iczelion's Crystal Moon Page). I am Christal, the owner, maintener, whatever you call it, of this page. For those of you wondering, this page is about the anime known as Bishoujo Senshi Seramun, or Pretty Soldier Sailormoon. For those who don't know ([gasp!] There are people who don't know what BSSM is about?!? Where have you been? The moon? [grin] ^_-), Sailormoon is about a ditzy girl named Tsukino Usagi (family name first) who, when she shouts "Moon Prism Power! Make Up!" (or "Moon Crystal Power! Make Up!" or "Moon Cosmic Power! Make Up!" or "Crisis Make Up!" or "Moon Crisis Make Up!" or "Moon Eternal Make Up!"), becomes the soldier for love and justice (it's in her speech), Sailormoon (or Super Sailormoon or Eternal Sailormoon). Along with the other Sailor Senshi (Sailormercury, Sailormars, Sailor...god, there's a ton of them. I won't bother listing them here since they're listed else-where on the page. I'm lazy. So sue me. Then again, better not considering that I'm broke. =), Sailormoon fights whatever evil that dares try to take energy, ni...niji...rainbow crystals (^^;;), crystal points, heart crystals, dream mirrors, and/or star seeds away. In other words, Sailormoon and the Sailor Senshi are the good guys who kick the collective butts of anyone who dares to make trouble in Tokyo. Of course, not all senshi are good guys. There's Galaxia and her Sailor Animamates (NOT Animates), who are evil senshi looking for star seeds and who appear in the final season of Sailormoon, Sailormoon SailorStars. And that, boys and girls, is BSSM in a nutshell. ^_-
Before I go on with the stuff that I'm sure you're here to see, let me babble for a couple of minutes. Why? Because this is my page and I can, that's why! Okay, I'm sure you're all wondering (okay, maybe you're not. Play along here, will ya?) why exactly I like Sailormoon enough to make a page for it. Why do I like Sailormoon? Why do I like Sailormoon? Why do I like Sailormoon? I guess that the answer to that is the characters. There's ditzy Usagi, the main character, there's (my fave) Ami the genious, there's Rei the mean girl who you just know really does care about Usagi, there's Makoto the tough girl, and there's Minako, whacky, looney, Minako. Then you've got the Outer Senshi. Mysterious Setsuna, handsome Haruka, perfect Michiru, and kawaii Hotaru. Of course, there's also the Lights-lead singer Seiya, platinum-haired Yaten, and the guy with the big forehead, Taiki (well, ya gotta admit that he's got a big forehead...but only 'cause he doesn't have bangs...well, actually he does, it's just that he probably gels them back or something.). And then, there's the villains. The Dark Kingdom, the aliens, the Dark Moon Family, the Death Busters, the Dead Moon Circus, and, of course, Galaxia and her Animamates. [pause] Oh yeah, there's also what's-his-name...cape-boy. The jerk in the tux, Mamoru (if you can't tell, I can't stand the guy). [pause and looks up] Okay, okay, so I have a Mamoru quote up there. Who cares? I like it! But I digress. I like the way the characters change over the seasons, especially Usagi. And no, my liking Sailormoon has nothing to do with the fact that there's alot of really nice looking guys in it. Nope, uh-uh, no way. [pause] Okay, so maybe a little. [grin]
Okay, okay, I'm sure that you didn't really want to hear any of that. ^^;;; You're here for the information I have, ne? Though the info. I have can be found in practically every other SM page, so why you came here, I have no idea. ^^;;; (If you can't tell, I like to sweatdrop. ^^;;; See?) Well, anyways, enough with the babbling and on with the page!
Series Pages
Click on the season title for information on that part of the series.
Character Pages
Click on the character whose page you want to see.
Miscellanious Stuff
Hmmmm...I wonder what this section could be about? Maybe things that don't fit in the other two sections? Nahhh...couldn't be. Or could it? ^_^
Naoko Takeuchi
My page on the creator of Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon, Naoko Takeuchi! [grin] Look at the picture of her at that page (she's the one in pink). Isn't she pretty? And, yes, the person next to her is me (taken at the San Diego Comic Con). Rakii!!!
Crystal Moon Gallery
Not much of a picture gallery, but it will do...for the moment. As soon as I can, I'll add some more. Promise! They'll most likely be manga pics, though, since I love Naoko-sensei's art.
Christal's Favorite Fan Fiction
A page for fanfics, fanfics, and fanfics. Both anime and non-anime related, and all of my favorite ones (well, not quite). Go there and enjoy!
Obligatory Links List
Just as it says, a links list. Not just BSSM links, though. [pause] Though there isn't exactly any there at the moment. BSSM links, I mean. ^^;;
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