Assisting foreign Broadcasters and Filmmakers in Thailand
When BBC Timewatch needed a World war II steam locomotive with eight wagons for filming "The True Story of The Bridge on The River Kwai", they asked TV Asia for help.
And then they came back with another request for an elephant and a helicopter.
However extraordinary your needs, we can provide for them.
filmed "The True Story of The Bridge on The River Kwai" on 16mm.
Other TV Asia jobs:
- BBC - East-West with Chris Patten
- ITV - Travel to Thailand with Paul O'Grady
- BBC - S-Club 7 in the wild life
TV Asia Co. Ltd,
172/47 Soi Pracharat 33,
Bangsue District,
Bangkok 10800,
Phone: ++ 66-2 587-8950
Fax: ++ 66-2 586-9957
E-mail: tvasia@tvasia.com
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Updated October 9, 2001.
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